A set of Python packages for meeting diverse computational needs on topological domains: GitHub
Within the TopoX suite, there are three Python packages:
- TopoNetX (TNX), a Python package for computing on topological domains
- TopoModelX (TMX), a Python module for topological deep learning
- TopoEmbedX (TEX), a Python package for representation learning on topological domains
- ICML Topological Deep Learning Challenge 2024: Beyond the Graph Domain
- Participants designed and implemented lifting mappings between different data structures and topological domains (point-clouds, graphs, hypergraphs, simplicial/cell/combinatorial complexes), to bridge the gap between TDL and all kinds of existing datasets.
- ICML 2023 Topological Deep Learning Challenge
- The purpose of this challenge is to foster reproducible research in Topological Deep Learning by crowdsourcing the open-source implementation of neural networks on topological domains. Participants are asked to contribute code for a previously existing Topological Neural Network (TNN) and train it on a benchmark dataset.
- Read more here:
- Papilllon, M., Hajij, M., Jenne, H., Mathe, J., Myers. A., Papamarkou, T., including Miolane, N. ICML 2023 Topological Deep Learning Challenge: Design and Results
- If you find TopoX useful, please kindly cite our paper:
- Mustafa, H., Papillon, M., Frantzen, F., Agerberg, J., including Miolane, N. TopoX: A Suite of Python Packages for Machine Learning on Topological Domains (2024)
- Telyatnikov, L., Bernard, G., Montagna, M., Vasylenko, P., Zamzmi, G., Hajij, M., Schaub, M., Miolane, N., Scardapane, S,. Papamarkou, T. TopoBenchMarkX: A Framework for Benchmarking Topological Deep Learning (2024)